1000 Songs/WINDHAM (Daniel Read)

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WINDHAM (Daniel Read)

1000 Songs


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Daniel read, an American Composer in the 1700's and early 1800's. He was Born November 16, 1757 and died on December 4, 1836. He was a part of the First New England School, and one an early figure head of American Composition. This is a tune that was revised from the original written by Isaac Watts.


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Editor's Choice

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Listen to the tune hear by Paul Hiller (conductor) and His Majestie's Clerkes (Ensemble). Windham.


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Editor's Choice

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Author biography

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Born in 1757, Daniel Read was born in the early stages of American Composition. But Read didn't start as a composer. After serving time as a private in the Massachusetts Militia, and later become a comb-maker and an owner of a general store in Connecticut. Read made his living as a comb-maker and helped supplement funds by compiling and publishing tunebooks such as, The Columbian Harmonist, The American Singing Book, The New Haven Collection of Harmonist, and An INtroduction to Psalmody (which wasn't a tune book but rather and inspirational writing to other composers). In these tune books Read often included some originals written by himself. some of his most noted tunes are: Greenwich, Windham, and Sherbune. These three tunes are often still used in American Churches.

Author's circumstances

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Historical setting

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Daniel Read was around during the time that America was just now starting to become "serious" about writing music. American Composers where starting to set hymn tunes to three and four part a cappalle styles with simple folklike melodies. These were the early stages of what would soon be called Fuguing.

Cultural setting

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Early American Culture.