Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/poly-student-steve

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8 September 2023

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Media and Information Ages

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Tertiary orality
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has potential to change some forms of consciousness, through big data and personalization, hyperconnectivity, virtual reality and augmented reality. Augmented reality does feel like a different way of thinking, at least on the surface.


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Is social media more oral than written? I don't think so

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In our collaborative conversation, ChatGPT suggested that social media exhibits

some characteristics of orality due to its real-time nature and conversational style. Social media platforms often facilitate quick exchanges of information, similar to face-to-face conversations in oral cultures. However, social media is primarily a written medium, as the information is typically conveyed through text, images, and videos, rather than solely through spoken words. Therefore, while it may embrace some oral-like features, it remains essentially a written form of communication.

I'm not sure I agree with this. I think social media is much more oral than written. It may be circumstantial: perhaps some type of social media, that is immediate, is oral. And others that are more delayed are written? I guess we will see. (edited at 11:36am)

Poly-student-steve 15:24, 6 August 2023 (UTC)

Rest of stuff

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5 Aug 2023: chatGPT and orality

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chatGPT thinks the shift from oral to print "encouraged a more objective and independent approach to understanding and disseminating knowledge." could it be that in today's society with social media, we are experiencing more orality? is social media more oral than written? so chatGPT says social media is a bit of both oral and written.

5 Aug 2023: chatGPT and the age of print

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The Printing Age

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chatGPT thinks we had something similar to "echo chambers" in the printed age, as people were restricted to information based on literacy skills. "The concept of "echo chambers" as we understand it in the digital age was not explicitly present during the printing age. However, there were indeed certain information bubbles and channels of information dissemination that could lead to narrow perspectives and entrenched beliefs during that period"[1]

Evaluated Wikipedia Page

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Evaluated the wikipedia page for my hometown, Cherry Valley NY

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Poly-student-steve (discusscontribs)

20 July 2023: Hello, world!

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Hi. This is my first journal entry in my Wikiversity journal, where I will chronicle my work in this class, and post my critical reflections. So far today, I've created my user account, joined the class and looked at the dashboard, and figured out how to create a journal page in Wikiversity. I would like to figure out a way to put the date in the header, and make this a blog post kind of page.

  1. "ChatGPT". ChatGPT. Retrieved 2023-08-04.